* If you love to celebrate an occasion with delicious flavor-filled cakes, you must check out our opitions. / Se você ama celebrarar qualquer ocasião com a compania de um delicioso bolo recheado, você não pode deixar de conhecer esses sabores.
* 15 Brazilian cakes. / 15 sabores do Brasil.
* Each cake will definitely surprise your taste buds, with a taste you will never forget! / Qualquer uma das opções a ser escolhida irá surpreender o seu paladar. Quem experimeta, nunca esquece!
1st - Chocolate cake filled with Chocolate Truffle / Chocolate trufado
(chocolate truffle with fresh strawberry filling is another option / opção com morango).
-Chocolate cake (or white cake) filled with a chocolate truffle. / "The chocolate truffle can be dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or milk chocolate. Choose your favorite."
- Massa de chocolate (ou massa branca) recheado e coberto com trufa de chocolate. /"A trufa pode ser de chocolate amargo, meio amargo ou ao leite. Escolha o seu sabor preferido."
2nd - White Chocolate Truffle Cake / Chocolate Branco Trufado
(green grapes are optional / opção com uvas verdes)
- White cake, filled and covered with a delicious white chocolate truffle.
- Massa branca, recheado e coberto com deliciosa trufa de chocolate branco.
3rd - Mixed Truffle Cake / Misto Trufado
- Chocolate cake, filled with white and chocolate truffle. The chocolate truffle can be dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or milk chocolate.
- Massa de chocolate, recheado e coberto com trufa de chocolate branco e trufa de chocolate (de sua preferência).
4th - Strawberry Cake Supreme / Morango
- White cake filled with Brazilian cream with sweetened condensed milk and fresh strawberries. Covered with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
- Massa branca, recheado com creme branco e morangos. Coberto com chantily e morangos.
5th - Fruit Mix Cake / Frutas
- White cake filled with Brazilian cream with sweetened condensed milk and fruits (peaches, grapes, pineapples, cherries and strawberries), covered with whipped cream and the fruits of your choice.
- Massa branca, recheado com creme branco, pêssego, uva, abacaxi, cerejas e morangos. Coberto com chantily e côco.
6th - Chocolate and Passion Fruit Cake / Mousse Maracujá com chocolate
- Layered Chocolate and white cake filled with a delicious passion fruit mousse.
- Massa de chocolate e massa branca, recheado com delicioso mousse de maracujá e mousse de chocolate meio amargo.
7th - Lemon Mousse and White Chocolate Cake / Mousse de Limão com Chocolate Branco
- White cake filled with a delicious lemon mousse and white chocolate.
- Massa branca, recheado com delicioso mousse de limão e mousse de chocolate branco.
8th - Coconut and Chocolate Cake / Chocolate com Côco
- Chocolate cake with coconut cream filled. Covered with a chocolate icing.
- Massa de chocolate, recheado com doce de côco e coberto com creme de chocolate.
9th - Coconut / Côco
- W
hite cake filled with Brazilian coconut cream. Covered with whipped cream and coconut.
- Massa branca, recheado com creme de côco e coberto com chantilly e côco.
10th - Black forest / Floresta Negra
- Chocolate cake filled with chocolate cream and cherries covered with whipped cream.
- Massa de chocolate, recheado com creme de chocolate e cerejas e coberto com Chantilly.
11th - Walnuts or Almonds / Nozes ou Amêndoas
- White cake filled with "dulce de leche" (wonderful, carmalized sweetened condensed milk) and walnuts or almonds. Covered with whipped cream and walnuts or almonds.
- Massa branca, recheado com doce de leite e nozes (ou amêndoas). Coberto com Chantilly e nozes (ou amêndoas)
12th - Brigadeiro - correct pronunciation is "bree.gah.day.roo"
-What is Brigadeiro?
Known as the Brazilian fudge, Brigadeiro is Brazil's favorite sweet. We make them by mixing and heating chocolate powder, sweetened condensed milk and butter.
With a soft texture, it is the right treat to make your day sweeter. I hope you love it as much as we do!
- Chocolate cake filled with brigadeiro and covered with brigadeiro and sprinkles.
- Massa de chocolate recheado com brigadeiro e coberto com brigadeiro e granulado.
13th - "Brigadeiro" with fresh Strawberry / Brigadeiro com Morango
- Chocolate cake filled and covered with brigadeiro and stawberries.
- Massa de chocolate recheado e coberto com brigadeiro e morangos.
14th - Chocolate Mousse Cake / Mousse de Chocolate
- Chocolate cake filled and covered with chocolate mousse (Chocolate mousse can be dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or milk chocolate. Choose your favorite).
Massa de chocolate recheado e coberto com mousse de chocolate. (pode ser de chocolate amargo, meio amargo ou chocolate ao leite. Escolha o seu preferido).
15th - White Chocolate Mousse Cake / Mousse de Chocolate Branco
- White cake filled and covered with white chocolate mousse
- Massa branca, recheado e coberto com mousse de chocolate branco.
* Information / Informações:
- Serves 25 persons / Redimento para 25 pessoas.
- Price: $45 any cake (except: Chocolate and passion fruit - $50).
- Valores: $45 qualquer opção (exceto: Maracujá com Chocolate - $50).
- Serves 14 persons / Rendimento para 14 pessoas.
- Price: $ 22 any cake (except: Chocolate and passion fruit - $ 26).
- Valores: $22 qualquer opção (exceto: Maracujá com Chocolate - $ 26).
* Cakes must be refrigerated until serving time. It will guarantee that your cake stays fresh and moist.
Não se esqueça de manter o bolo refrigerado até a hora de servir. Assim você o manterá úmido e gelado.
* Photos for illustration only. Cakes may vary slightly from pictures. / Fotos meramente ilustrativas. Os bolos podem ter algumas mudanças na aparência.
* Cakes can be ordered Monday - Saturday. No Sundays. / Os bolos podem ser encomendados de segunda à sábado. Não aceito encomendas aos domingos.